Thursday, February 27, 2014


New URI CCs! - February 2014(2)

Maria Crespo

Six new Cooperation Circles joined our community in February. Addressing different economic, environmental, political and social challenges, they will be strengthened by URI's dynamic movement to promote enduring interfaith cooperation to end religiously motivated violence. We hope that these new CCs will help spread cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. They belong to four different URI Regions: Asia, Middle East & North Africa, Multi-Region and North America. Find a brief description of their work and the link to their page in our website below:
 Powdikkonam CC Trivandrum - India, South Zone
Located in Trivandrum, the capital city of Kerala, this new CC hopes to become a dynamic presence in Trivandrum where the majority of the population is Hindu. There is immense possibility for community building in this area and Powdikkonam hopes to contribute to the transformation of society. Recent activity highlights include a World Interfaith Harmony Week celebration that was co-hosted with other community organizations.
  Ur for Interfaith Dialogue & Peacemaking  - Iraq
 In order to build bridges of understanding and love among people of diverse faiths in Iraq, CC members have visited many sacred places of different faith traditions, built strong relationships with diverse faith leaders of Iraq, and utilized social media to promote understanding of religious diversity. Ur's most memorable moment was organizing a meeting for Sunna and Shia' religious leaders in Baghdad, where participants delivered touching speeches about the importance of respecting one another.
 Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-violence Studies - Tunisia
With the hopes of spreading a culture of tolerance in Tunisia, members arranged a meeting for 30 bloggers from across Tunisia to come up with a Charter/Code of Ethics to ensure that they will not spread rumors or fake news and will not promote violence. They also ran a campaign to spread awareness about the HIV (AIDS) disease; they organized a rap music party for 120 youth, and spread AIDS awareness. They organized capacity building for newly established non-profit organizations, teaching them how to blog and publish their work on social media. This group's most memorable moment was spending time with talented but impoverished youth, helping them create art. CC members' future plans include creating more films about youth in neglected areas in order to have their voices heard across the country. They also hope to establish a radio show to unite youth.
   Awakening Humanity To Oneness With All Nature (AHOWAN)
Ahowan strengthens people, groups, and organizations by engaging them in their interdependence, on each other, on our companion animals, on domestic and wild animals, on plants, the environment and nature as Oneness. Through interactive experiences (Nature Oneness Wisdom), Ahowan provides a natural paradigm for people, groups, and organizations to reveal a collective heart connection with Nature. These interactive experiences provide the necessary natural materials to allow each participant to construct a personal bridge of consciousness of an inseparable Oneness with all Creation.  It is through collective heart connection with Nature and consciousness of inseparable Oneness that we all may fully engage in Peacefully Encompassing All Creations Energies "PEACE". AHOWAN has provided Paradigm Shifting experiences to thousands of people with groups in all 50 states and in India over the last three years.
Members have been travelling around the world helping people deepen their relationship with nature. They have an email list of roughly 15,000 people with about 400 of them heavily involved in the work. They belong to different religions and traditions. They are Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, New Thought, Wiccan Native American and others.
 Charlotte Red Bench Garden - USA
CC members gather the community annually to observe individual and collective efforts to bridge understanding, uplift social issues, and encourage continued sharing between faiths, races and cultures.On June 10 2010, the Garden of Forgiveness was established, sanctioned by the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, in Freedom Park. The following year, they gathered community members and witnessed reconciliation between citizens who were involved in the first desegregation of Harding High School in 1957.The community was then invited to visit the garden for meditation and leave messages on forgiveness from which a visual art presentation was created. After that the community was invited to a flute meditation circle and was joined by the Baha'i community Oneness Day. They plan to continue working in meditation to increase the awareness of love, forgiveness and compassion as a means to empower, motivate and facilitate positive change in personal and collective community life.
  Silicon Valley Interreligious Council (SiVIC) – USA
With the purpose of  promoting a more just and compassionate society in Silicon Valley, this CC has been sponsoring an ongoing inter-religious leader's forum, developing and sponsoring inter-religious community events alone and with partner congregations, organizations and groups. They also assisted San Jose and Santa Clara County in being recognized as member of the partner cities of the Parliament of the World's Religions and travelling to Melbourne to present their work. They promoted an inaugural community dialogue on the role of Interfaith Harmony in building a better community (included local political leaders, the San Jose Police Chief, and religious in the community, a Religious Leaders Summit held in conjunction with Carry the Vision Community Non Violence Conference. They also held several events as part of "Silicon Valley Reads" program that was focused in learning about Islam, "Our Religious Neighbor Next Door" photographic documentation project, showcasing the diverse religious communities of the area, and the "Healthy, Just and Sustainable food" project with local congregations, encouraging healthier eating. They participated in community memorials and gatherings to remember 9/11, the victims of the tsunami in Japan, and the victims of the school shooting in Connecticut, providing interfaith speakers for local schools and groups. They co-sponsored the Silicon Valley Interfaith Teen Project with the Interfaith Council on Economics and Justice by sponsoring an Inter-religious Prayer Gathering held at the Sacred Heart Comm
unity Services to acquaint people with the community services offered and to celebrate diversity.
 If you wish to extend your warm wishes to this these new groups, please click on the name of the CC above in order to visit its URI CC web-page, where you will find all of the information necessary to contact them directly and welcome them to our URI community!
 May Peace Prevail on Earth!
 With much appreciation,

 Maria Crespo

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