Saturday, May 8, 2010



Chaturvedi swami belongs to the glorious tradition of Sri Vaishavision.He is a spiritual leader of the highest orderr,leading thousands of its followers by carrying forward the values and principles,as propounded and promoted by the Great saint Sri Ramanujachaarya.

Swami was a precocious child.He indulged in Knowledge seeking and disseminatiion even as a child and actively participated by discussing,singing, reciting in fetival/ function. When just 11 year old. In 1985 he has delivered lectures inTamil. Telugu and english on very esoteric and complex subjects like srimad Bhagavatham,Vishnutatvam, Thiruppavi, Bhagvad Gita and other scriptures. He embarked on profound philodophical discussions on issue like way of life, the purpose of creatioin, soil and its mystery, behind you mind.

In his school life, he was more interestedin offering lectures rahter than listening to them, during the year 1988-1999,there were delightful and highly interesting sessions across the state, which received much appreciation and applauds.

Swamji completely revieved the facts of the Indiaan Knowlede systems by such remarkable lectures such as Indian logic(1993)The six Darsanas(1993), Gita- call of God(1994)Mind,Matter and Soul (1996) Vedas their Eternal Relevance(1998), Vedas for Universal Brotherhood(2001),The Bounty of Nature(2002) and Devotion and surrender(2002).

He also elecidaed on manyconteporning and emerging issues such as Gulf war(1990),Conflict Resolution(1992), Tolls for peace making(1994), Society and its ugly heds (1995), The need for mass engineering the society(1996) anthrax(1999)

He is a bridge between para and Apara vidya,meteralism and spirituality, technology and humanism, abstract theories and hard facts. Tradition and modernity, old and new,east andwest,maya and reality and mundane and profound.

Swamiji Established Sri Ramanuja Mission Trust in 2000 at Chennai and he is the Founder Managing Trustee. Swamiji is a messenger and promoter of peace and has organised and participated in many national level conference on subject connected both directly and indirectly with peace/ harmony and allied subjects. He is a scholar in abstract theories and postulatiions of the Upanishad and also modern technologgy of IT,BT, Medicine,Nano Technology,Nuclear,Space,Ontology, Epistemology and politics, Law,Management and hundread of other fields of Knowledge in the meterial,scientific and spritual, religious and philosophical fields. He is a fountain head of multi dimensional knowledge,which he delives brilliantly and eloquently,at high speed,in English,Sankrit and other languages. He has a new approach to all these subjects, which is original holistic and integrated.

Prof. John Kurakar

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