One more Global Council
and staff meeting is over. We all met at Santa Clara University, California
from 20-30 June, 2014. It was special in so many ways-- the first GC
without Charles Gibbs; the first meeting with Rev. Dr. Victor Kazanjian, the new
Executive Director; first meeting of the newly elected GC; first batch of the
GC members elected for four years and so on. The only staff member who has seen
the initial days of URI and who is still at the SFO office is Sally Mahe.I often wondered how it
would be without Chares! It is proved that Victor is the right choice. There is
lot of enthusiasm and the vibrations are strong. Bishop Bill and the
President's Council made it clear that the future of URI is bright. We could
meet many of the embers of the President's Council during the special banquet
and the dine out in their homes was exciting.
We had a wonderful
discussion about how URI would be in 2020. Bishop and John Weiser were very
attentive when we began to share our dreams:
1. There will be about 10,000 CCs all over the world
2. President William Swing will be addressing members in 250 countries through
the URI TV channel prior to the Global Assembly in Bangladesh; Strong
communication channels including URI radio will become a reality.
3. URI ambassadors will be posted in every country capital to negotiate with
nation heads
4. Golden rule will have become a common word in every tongue
5. Donor agencies will come in search of URI offices around the world to offer
their contributions.
6. Travelling Peace Academy and URI Interfaith University will attract
large number of takers
7. URI units will be established in every school and college
8. URI colouring books will be handed over to all beginners in schools
9. The number of regional coordinators will be three times more
10. UN will send representatives to the URI Board
11. There will be a fund raising week and collection centres will be
established in all continents.
12. Global Indigenous conferences will become a regular feature
I could not capture every
dream that was aired during that session, but these will give you a feel of the
wave length of the dreamers from around the globe. Is not the future of URI
The first URI Global
International Indigenous Conference has already commenced here in San
Francisco. So much more in the offing.
Dr. Abraham Karickom
Prof. John